Residents across the City of Brimbank saw the introduction of a major network changes on 27 July 2014, following community consultation at the end 2013.
The changes, affecting numerous services operated by CDC Melbourne, Kastoria, Sita and Transdev Melbourne, included:
Route 216 (Caroline Springs (Burnside) – Brighton Beach via Sunshine, Footscray & City)
Route 219 (Sunshine Park – Gardenvale via Footscray & City)
Route 220 (Sunshine – Gardenvale via Footscray & City)
- Several years of unreliable cross-town services has finally been addressed with new running times introduced
- To provide sufficient buses to cater for the new runtimes, PM peak services departing the City on 220 towards Sunshine have been cut reduced from 7 – 8 minutes to 10 mins, along with the deletion of two 216 shortworkings to Sunshine
- Late weeknight services on 220 in both directions have been reduced from 15 min to 20 min intervals
- An overdue move to simplify routes and avoid duplication with 903 SmartBus, 428 & 471, saw the Sunshine Park loop and Sunshine West weekend variation on 219 removed. All buses now terminate in the Sunshine South loop.
- Despite extensive route rationalisation in other areas served by Transdev, the poorly patronised sections of 216, 219 & 220 south of Elsternwick have not been altered with these changes
Route 400 (Sunshine – Laverton via Derimut)
- Services have been upgraded between Sunshine & Derrimut to cater for strong demand for services in this growth suburb, and compensate for the removal of 451 along Forrest Rd through Ardeer
- Peak services now operate between Sunshine & Derrimut every 20 – 22 mins instead of half hourly, while services beyond to Laverton via the prisons now operate every 40 – 45 mins
- Off-peak & weekend services now operate every 40 mins instead of half-hourly to improve train harmonisation
- Evening services between Sunshine & Derrimut now finish around 9pm each night, instead of 7pm weekdays and 6pm weekends
Route 408 (St Albans – Highpoint via Sunshine)
- Two route changes have been made to improve coverage along the 408 and remove duplication with the 903. Buses now operate along Novara Pde in St Albans East, while in Sunshine North buses travel Berkshire Rd, serving a larger portion of the suburb, including new housing at the northern end of Duke St
- Saturday afternoon services have been upgraded to run at 20 min intervals instead of half-hourly. Sundays continue to operate once an hour
Route 418 (St Albans – Caroline Springs via Keilor Plaza)
Route 419 (St Albans – Watergardens via Sunshine Ave)
Route 421 (St Albans – Watergardens via Keilor Plaza)
- 418 now operates to directly from Keilor Downs Shopping Centre to St Albans via Arthur & Alfriedia Sts, replacing parts of 421
- Services on 419 now operate directly from Watergardens to Sunshine Ave via Bond Rd, Parmellia Ave & Apollo Rd in Taylors Lakes, providing a faster journey and better access to the local secondary college
- To compensate for these changes, 421 now operates via Keilor Lodge and Kelba, along with Biggs Rd, providing a more direct alignment in St Albans East than the old 418 service. Keilor Downs residents connecting with trains at Keilor Plains are now taken directly to the station, instead of detouring via Keilor Downs Plaza
- Peak services on 418 have been upgraded from 40 mins to 20 mins
- 419 was upgraded from 30 mins to 20 mins during the PM peak, matching existing AM peak frequencies
- 421 now operates until 9pm 7 days, instead of finishing at 7pm and has gained Sunday services for the first time. Interestingly, 418, 419 & 421 continue to operate hourly on weekends despite upgrades elsewhere
Route 420 (Sunshine – Watergardens via Brimbank Central Plaza)
Route 422 (St Albans – Delahey)
Route 423 (St Albans – Brimbank Central Plaza via Cairnlea)
Route 424 (St Albans – Brimbank Central Plaza via Main Rd West)
Route 425 (St Albans – Watergardens via Delahey)
Route 427 (Sunshine – Sunshine West via Forrest St)
Route 428 (Sunshine – Sunshine West via Wright St)
Route 451 (Sunshine – Brimbank Central Plaza via Deer Park North)
Route 454 (Sunshine – Sunshine West)
- The flagship of changes in Brimbank is the introduction of a new 420 service linking Sunshine & Watergardens via Glengala Rd in Sunshine West, Station Rd in Deer Park & Kings Rd in Delahey, providing direct access to local trip generators, including Brimbank Central. The service replaces large parts of the 451 & 454 & introduces new services north of Brimbank Central along Kings Rd for the first time. The service is operated by Sita, extending their geographical footprint in the north-west
- 422 (St Albans – Delahey) has been discontinued, replaced by a revised alignment for 425 through Kings Park and Delahey, with passengers in the catchment of old 425 within walking distance of the 418 or 420
- 423 (St Albans – Brimbank Central Plaza) now operates via Deer Park North, replacing the removed section of 451. It has also no longer operates in side streets in the vicinity of the Victoria Uni St Albans campus.
- 424 follows a more direct alignment through Kings Park along Main Rd West as a result of the changes to 425 although this may constrain some students travelling to Copperfield College (Junior campus) or Victoria University Secondary College in Deer Park.
- 454 (Sunshine – Sunshine West), which previously operated a very indirect loop structure that had struggled to keep pace with expanding residential growth has been replaced by the new 420 along Glengala Rd along with the new Sita Routes 427 & 428, which through-route at Sunshine West to provide a loop service. The service also expands coverage in Glengala and operates along Forrest Rd, Ardeer to compensate for the removal of 451
- 420 operates every 20 mins on weekdays and Saturdays, with Sunday services every 40 mins. This is compared to weekday services on 451 & 454, while offering significant boost on weekends. Evening services operate until 9pm are largely half-hourly
- Services on 423 & 424 (which were previously through-routed at Brimbank Central) are now off-set at both ends (as there is no longer the need to off-set with 422 on Gillespie Rd) and operate every 40 mins 7 days, including the introduction of Sunday services. Additional peak trips are provided in one direction of the loop, offering a 20 min frequency, following community protests from Deer Park residents about the removal of their 451 service, which operated every 15 mins during peak periods. Weekday span has been extended from 7pm to 9pm, weekend services conclude at 7pm
- 425 largely remains every 40 mins on weekdays, although additional trips now operate at school times serving Cooperfield College and Gibson College. Saturday services on 425 have been upgraded from hourly to every 40 mins, while Sunday services remain hourly
- 427 & 428 services depart every 25 mins in peak periods, every 40 mins during the day (including weekends) and every hour after 7:30pm, with services finishing around 9pm
Route 460 (Watergardens – Caroline Springs via Goulray Rd)
Route 476 (Moonee Ponds – Hillside via Keilor & Watergardens)
- With the exception of a deviation for students attending schools in Caroline Springs, 460 no longer operates through Hillside, now operating directly along Melton Hwy, with 476 services now operating through eastern Hillside
- Peak services on 460 have jumped from hourly to every 20 mins, but remain hourly at other times
- 476 services remain every 20 mins at peak times, providing a boost for eastern Hillside
- Inter-peak & Saturday services on 476 have dropped from 30 to 40 mins to aid train connectivity, but Sunday services are improved to 40 mins from hourly
- Oddly, weekend run times on 476 are several minutes slower than weekdays
Route 461 (Watergardens – Caroline Springs via Taylors Hill)
- An updated timetable was introduced for 461
Route 471 (Sunshine – Williamstown via Altona Gate & Newport)
- An updated timetable was introduced for 471 with a 20 min interpeak headway, previously every 25 mins.
Route 215 (Highpoint – Caroline Springs)
Route 410 (Footscray – Sunshine via Ballarat Rd)
Route 456 (Sunshine – Melton via Caroline Springs)
Route 461 (Watergardens – Caroline Springs via Calder Park Dr)
- Despite extensive changes in Brimbank, these four routes continued to operate to existing times