Stage 1: 29 January 2017
In conjunction with the opening of the new V/Line station at Caroline Springs on the Ballarat Line, January 29 also sees the implementation of the first stage of the new Caroline Springs bus network.

Kastoria #55 (Volvo B7RLE, Bustech “VST”) on the extended Route 460 service is seen awaiting departure time at the new Caroline Springs Station (31/1/2017) (Bradley Matthews)
Route 460
Kastoria’s Route 460 from Watergardens to Caroline Springs Town Centre via Gourlay Rd is being extended south along Caroline Springs Bvd to the new station. Weekday trips now operate every 20 mins all day (previously every 25 – 30 min peak and 40 mins interpeak) while weekend services will now operate to a 25 to 35 min headway instead of every 40 mins. This is the latest boost for Route 460, which previously ran hourly throughout the week as recently as July 2014.
Route 461
Meanwhile, CDC Melbourne’s Route 461 between Watergardens and Caroline Springs Town Centre will now incorporate City Vista Ct to serve the growth suburb Plumpton South. The terminus at Caroline Springs Town Centre will be relocated to Caroline Springs Bvd (instead of behind Caroline Springs Square Shopping Centre). Peak hour buses will now depart twice an hour instead of every 40 mins.